• Certified ESBE SBE (217099281)
  • Licensed through the Texas Private Security Board (B03043001)
  • Fully Insured
  • P.O. Box
    592986, San Antonio
    Texas 78259

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Home New About Us Statement

New About Us Statement

In 2017, Dogwatch Security and Traffic Control LLC was founded and began servicing the south Texas area. Since then, Dogwatch Security and Traffic Control LLC, has expanded throughout Texas by providing our customers with experienced, professional, and knowledgeablecommissioned Texas Peace Officers for the purpose of traffic safety control and/or private security. Based on decades of military and law enforcement experience, we strongly believe that leadership at the top of our organization, educated and well-trained staff, ongoing field training, and innovative technology, all coupled with excellent customer service, can meet and exceed your unique traffic safety control or private security goals.Customer satisfaction and public safety is our number one priority.

In 2017, Dogwatch Security and Traffic Control LLC was founded and began servicing the south Texas area. Since then, Dogwatch Security and Traffic Control LLC, has expanded throughout Texas by providing our customers with experienced, professional, and knowledgeable commissioned Texas Peace Officers for the purpose of traffic safety control and/or private security. Based on decades of military and law enforcement experience, we strongly believe that leadership at the top of our organization, educated and well-trained staff, ongoing field training, and innovative technology, all coupled with excellent customer service, can meet and exceed your unique traffic safety control or private security goals. Customer satisfaction and public safety is our number one priority.

Locate Our Address
San Antonio, TX 78258-4908

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Dogwatch Security and Traffic Control LLC is a Texas based company. Our mission is to provide our customers with professional and highly trained Texas Peace Officers for your traffic control and/or private security needs. Customer satisfaction and public safety is our number one priority.

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Our Services

  • Traffic Control
  • Private Security